Welcome to the Hydeout Sonoma vineyard and wine blog

June 11, 2017

Written by Ken Wornick

Backed by over 25 years of wine vintages, Ken is the author of these blog posts, and the founder and winemaker for his 11-acre Sonocaia Estate Winery which includes the Sagrantino vineyard, plus honey bees, chickens, vegetable gardens, olives, fruit orchards, composting, creek restoration, and many other farm and ranch projects.

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For 20 years, I have been growing grapes, making wine, launching my client’s wine brands, and hopefully entertaining people with candid anecdotes from the wine industry. In this weekly blog, expect to see reports from field, crush pad video, commentary on misconceptions, and eventually (when I get brave enough to stick my neck out!) leaning towards politically incorrect material about the wine business. I hope to post once per week, typically on Sunday mornings. Comments always welcome. Outrageous entertaining replies encouraged.

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Farm projects at Hydeout Sonoma

Farm projects at Hydeout Sonoma

Hydeout Sonoma farms grapes, olives, chickens, fruit trees, and bee hives, and is home to owls, bats, rabbits.

50 images of the Sonoma Valley Grape Harvest 2022

50 images of the Sonoma Valley Grape Harvest 2022

Growing and harvesting the fruit is half the battle. Next up is the winemaking. Every load of fruit is very carefully weighed, by law, so that each grower’s property can be carefully tracked all the way into bottle; every drop.


  1. Jannette

    Mike Nunez gave us your name. We’d like to meet you.

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            <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p>
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                <span class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Ken Wornick</b> acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.</span>
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      Hi Jannette. I will email you shortly. Thx. Ken



  1. 2019 wine grape season is a nightmare so far... - Hydeout Sonoma - […] Localita Estate Sa****************************@sp*****.com web: http://www.hydeoutsonoma.com blog:http://www.hydeoutsonoma.com/welcome-to-the-hydeout-sonoma-blog/ linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenwornick/ Example of grape […]

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