Sonoma grape harvest 2017, a brief video and pictorial essay…

October 8, 2017

Written by Ken Wornick

Backed by over 25 years of wine vintages, Ken is the author of these blog posts, and the founder and winemaker for his 11-acre Sonocaia Estate Winery which includes the Sagrantino vineyard, plus honey bees, chickens, vegetable gardens, olives, fruit orchards, composting, creek restoration, and many other farm and ranch projects.

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The Sonoma grape harvest of 2017 is almost over.

Here is video and imagery from the field and at the winery…

First, the videos:

Video: Fruit being loaded into half ton bin

Video: Time lapse of removing stems on the sorting table

And the still images:

Syrah ready to be picked…

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Harvest crew (yellow) works a line of Merlot while foreman (orange supervises) and the bobcat with a half ton bin follows:

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Closeup view of a hillside block of Cabernet…

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The last of the rows of this block almost picked…

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The crew departs this hillside block with 3/4 ton picked…

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The 40 pound picking lugs get cleaned…

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The Mustang loads bins onto the pickup truck, bins go on the trailer next…

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Closeup view of Hydeout fruit…

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An example of a Cal State ‘Weighmaster Certificate’ issued to me when this small lot of Cabernet arrived at it’s destination, the custom crush winery, Deerfield Ranch…

Harvest 2017 1 - Sonoma grape harvest 2017, a brief video and pictorial essay...


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  1. Martha

    Beautiful colors! Thank you for sharing. Now, how long until we get a taste?

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      Believe me, you are on the shortlist for the very first taste !


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